“The best I have seen this year!”
– Attendee at Melanie Johnston’s presentation
Don’t Just Customize, Personalize: Innovative iPadApp Implementation
For Unique Learnersat the 2013 ASA Conference
BRITE Success LLC provides staff development and conference workshops for teachers, parents and professionals on the following topics:
- There is an App for That- iDevice Training
- idevice Policy and Procedures: District iPad issues
- Autism 101
- Autism and Inclusion
- Transitional Services
- Sensory issues
- Behavior intervention basics including:Visual Supports
- Applied Behavioral Analysis
- Data Collection
- Discrete Trail Training/Precision Teaching
- Autism Assessment
- RTI and Behavior
- Structured Teaching
- Classroom Management
- Communication and Behavior
- FBA and BIP
- Team Building
- Diverse Learners
- Eating Issues
- Social Skills
- Inclusion
Trainings and Workshops are designed in the following formats:
- Parent Training
- Professional Training
- One Day Workshop
- Two Day Workshop
- Four Day Workshop
- Specially Designed Conference Programs
- Pre-conference Workshop
- Make and Take Workshop
“(The presentation) was AMAZING! (This) will help my son, my brother and me.” – Attendee at Melanie Johnston’s presentation on Using iPads to Increase Independence for Transitioning Students with ASD at the 2013 ASA Conference *Please contact laura@britesuccess.com for pricing and availability